Offre spéciale: -32% sur toutes vos consultations du 29 au 30 Avril avec le code promo: étoile


Every now and then, visiting a beauty center is an essential thing for a woman to do… But if you worry about your skin’s health, then we’ll provide you with a professional advice.


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There’s no topic more serious than the health of your skin! We are dedicated to helping your face, your body and you overall feel and look great, we’ll be more than glad to give you a pre-appointment, free consultation on it!


What people say about us. Here are comments from individuals who have visited Stephania.


Every once in a while, we girls just have to take a break from our routine daily hectic errands and job and just step aside for some relaxation… Whenever I do it, this is the place where all the relaxation starts at for me…


Lizzie Major — client


Whenever I feel depressed, anxious or just tired, I always need to take some chill pill and relax… Luckily, I always have had this place for those matters… Here I can both delve into a meditative rest and also take care of my skin’s health…


Theresa Palmer — client